OK, ok i know…Em’s b’day is only next Tuesday…but given the circumstances I will post it today…I might not be able to post for a while, so as long as i have the internet connexion, I will make the best out of it!
I dedicate this article to Marshall Mathers III, for his 34th birthday
When an artist reaches Eminem’s level of fame, most people only see glory, acclaim and money.
Eminem’s story is nevertheless the tough story of a young man who had a dream. He was constantly facing obstacles and challenges of all kind, but he would never let his dream go away despite all.
Bullied at school, experiencing brain damage, living with an abusive and sick mom, often being played in his rocky relationship to Kim, facing adversity as a white emcee in black men’s hip hop world of the early 90’s, Marshall Mathers would never let his dream to become a famous emcee go. A little dose of luck (we all need it) helped him on his way: his encounter with Dr Dre got him started in the rap game.
During his whole career, Eminem has been facing problems of all kind. Besides numerous problems in his personal life, haters of all kind haven’t really spared him.
Addiction to sleeping pills and the loss of his best friend Deshaun, 6 months ago, have recently made his life a living nightmare.
Eminem is somebody I look up to, because despite all he goes through, he shows us the example of a strong person. Thanks to his willpower and to his personality, Eminem always managed to bounce back. I truly respect that.
I have taken a lot of hatred and insults from people for advocating Eminem’s lyrics. I have been misunderstood, misquoted, misinterpreted very often through the years. I have kept being loyal towards Eminem despite all and nothing is ever gonna change that.
What matters in the end are all the positive gifts Eminem has offered me through his music. On this particular occasion-Em’s birthday- I would like to say thank you, once again.
Happy Birthday to you Marshall Mathers. Peace, joy and happiness to you and your family.
Copyright2006 by Isabelle Esling
All Rights Reserved
14 thoughts on “Eminem: a success story with sweat and tears”
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Marshall is someone you really look up too…and respect…his apppeal is… that he has been where all of have been…a regular person…
He took a dream and made it happen…it took years of hard work, but remember…dreams do come true and yours will too…never give up the dream…until it becomes a reality…
Peace and lOve,
Happy Birthday to EM!!! Mine is only 8 days after his!
He is such a great person, been through alot, but can still stand tall!! He deserves respect!
Aw! Great post. Is he turning 33 or 34?
thanks…he is turning 34 this year…he was born on Oct the 17th, 1972…
Mine is one month after his…Nov. 17th…but i’m 29…again…(lol)
I liked your blog man. Seriously though Eminem is like my fuckin hero… No matter how much you luv him I luv him more. Well I’ve been telling everybody I see that it’s Eminem’s birthday today, so now they all know!! I’m baking a cake for him and shit too.
Well I really been through some hard shit because of the sexiest dude EVER I suffered a lot through my parents who yell shit at me cause like I LUV EMINEM SO FUCKIN MUCH. They don’t approve of him, obviously. Also I’ve been through a lot of grief through no fault of his. I don’t like to bring that up cause it sounds like I’m complainging but really I don’t give a shit as long as Eminem is still in my heart and in my mind. I’ll never lose that for him. I’ll love him forever and if I ever see him I will scream and probably faint, which I will be real pissed off about later because I didn’t get to mob him. I really do understand that he doesn’t want to have this life where people recognize and mob him everywhere he goes, and I profoundly respect that but I don’t think I would be able to control myself if I ever saw him. I swear I’m IN LOVE WITH HIM!!! In short, I guess I just might as well say HAPPY BIRTHDAY SLIM!!!!
Marshall için hep en iyisi.. Mutlu y?llar diliyorum ve sa?l?kl? bir ömür..
i really hope he had a great, papparazzi free birthday!
Happy belated birthday, Marshall. Always my constant source of inspiration.
And I am so psyched about The Re-Up. Im sure you did a phenomenal job yet again, Em.
Happy birthday eminem!!!!
I will never forget how you saved my life. You feel like a brother to me ( a really hottt one at that). I wouldnt be here without you ( yes “WITHOUT ME”).
I have gone thru alott and you always made it better, after seeing you in concert the image became realer. After you saving me life i will never forget you. No one will ever replace you, I have been in love with you since 1st grade, 8 years later you are 34 iam 14 and we kinda grew up together. Back to the point Eminem, you will never read this but anyways HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!!!
yes TODAY 17 october 2007 is EMINEM´S bdayyy so
HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMMM, i really luv ya n i remember your bday every year cuz i feel like was mine lol, u r the best,n im so glad u gonna hav a new album soon
KING MATHERS, i hope u to have CONCERTS around da world n specially Europe..maybe spain.., come to europe please…
Just watch one of these day im gonna be a rapper too i dont care what people say about me being a girl or being white if Eminem can do it so can i