Rating: four stars
Michigan emcee The Disciple’s voice sounds prophetic in his The World Is Burning song.
The Disciple is a man of no compromise who has some critical views about the American government and our contemporary society.
Violins and rhythmic keyboard sound and drum beats nicely introduce the dramatic dimension of the song. Open your eyes, the world is burning!
The Disciple calls for changes, because the world is never learning of its mistakes. The same men who are responsible for the 9/11 drama are still supported by the same people. Yes, we are manipulated by politicians, whose only motivations are money.
The Disciple’s words combined to the rhythm of the song resemble heartbeats and are a constant quest for people to realize what’s happening around them. Our world is starving out of poverty, racism, discrimination, selfishness and political greediness and harsh social conditions.
Any man who is in favor of justice can stand up and change things. Don’t be like anybody else: you can make a real difference.
Through his insightful lyrics, The Disciple is giving you some food for thought. Listen to the song, let the music penetrate into your soul and take some time to meditate about what’s going on in this world
Then you will be able to decide: will you be the coward staying in the dark like so many people do or will you stand up for your rights.
Even one person can make a real difference. Rebels to the system have changed more things within one day than conservative people within a whole century.
Things will only change with your participation. Be that courageous and make some steps in favor of more freedom, more equality, less racism, less poverty and less discrimination.
Vote for the right people. Don’t let the same greedy assholes ruin the country you live in. It is up to you to stand up and to take responsibility for our society’s happenings.
Globally, the song is real good work. Good beats and instrumentals, a strong and audible voice make this song very enjoyable. Open your ears and the lyrics will gradually open your eyes. The Disciple has a message to deliver. Hush up and listen and don’t let the world keep burning.