In memory of Deshaun Holton aka Big Proof

I have been quite busy, but I haven’t forgotten that yesterday was RIP Big Proof’s third death anniversary. Sad anniversary, maybe, but also a celebration of all Big Proof stood for: his hometown, Detroit, Detroit underground hip hop and being true to oneself:)
So let’s not be sad, but rather celebrate the musical heritage Proof left us all:)
RIP Big Proof.

2 thoughts on “In memory of Deshaun Holton aka Big Proof”

  1. thats crazy its already been three years. i remember when i heard bout it i didnt think it was real. is that something you just wait to happen marshal when you are from the kind of area your from? i dont how you would live life always lookin over shoulder just waitin for some hater to do something stupid. anyway i hope all is well and im curious what your new album is going to sound like.

  2. ya its realy sad but we do need to stay positive and eminem rocks i love his new album its sweet its sad what happend to proof and its good he got justice it has gone by realy fast though.

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