Thoughts on Eminem's 3 AM video

Global rating of the video: 3.5 stars
Like I already pointed it out, the 3 AM song really disappointed me, because of Eminem’s truncated voice. However, the video and the lyrics seem unveil some colorful and creative details that deserve to be underlined, because of all recent Eminem releases, this video eventually makes a REAL difference.
Meet Eminem in a scary landscape, a lonely and dark forest in which bad spirits’ presence and echoes would overshadow his mind. You are going to ride through his psychopatic mind for 5 minutes…5 minutes? Call it a hell of eternity!
The psychopatic, narcotics dependant serial killer, will take you to his rehab center, sharing an horrific Exorcist 2 vision.
No place for peace in this pill popping episode that resembles Detroit novelist Contel Bradford’s descriptions. Hard drugs are known for altering color, perception and reality…from the beginning to the end, you will see visions of horror, missing legs and thumps, bloody redrum walls…you will guess that horrible things happened, but it is up to you viewer, to make up your mind:either he committed the numerous murders during his blackouts, while his brain was reaching the narcotic sphere-either these nightmarish visions are the product of a drug addict’s imagination.
Either ways, it will allow you to understand what is happening into a blurred drug addict’s mind.
While the lyrics will reinforce the diabolical no escape situation, you will feel fear and confusion. There is a little bit of King Gordy’s mind into all this, a little bit of the Exorcist, a portion of Edgar Allan Poe. I think most of you are going to like it.
Even Eminem’s rapping rhythm is dys-synchronized on purpose which would make it totally enjoyable if he didn’t fake his voice. Unfortunately his voice spoils the video greatly in my opinion.
There is another detail that keeps intriguing me…why does Eminem insist on “kissing the naked manakin man again?”…Maybe some of you readers could give me a clue.
In short, the video is creative, original, but it could have been better with a normal rapping tone-the rapping style is ok- it is just the tone that spoils it for a major part.
Copyright by Isabelle Esling
All Rights Reserved

13 thoughts on “Thoughts on Eminem's 3 AM video”

  1. I think the video was dope…. I don’t have any problems with his voice on 3 A.M. unlike everybody else here…. It suits the character in the track, in my opinion…
    Eminem And Dr. Dre’s ‘Old Time’s Sake’ Leaks One Day Early
    Old Time’s Sake – Eminem (feat. Dr. Dre) – Audio Download

  2. I have no idea about that manakin. =/ The only thing I could think of is that it rhymes? Haha. Maybe it’s to show how crazy he’s gone.
    I was thinking the bit about the manakin being in the front video could have been his way of setting up an alibi for himself? After all, the manakin in the video did kind of look like him when he was sitting naked in an empty room. …yeah, I don’t know. Any other ideas?

  3. the full album has leaked, i just started listening to it and reviews are excellent

  4. thanks for the infor David…is there any link where i could listen to the FULL album?
    Well, i care less about the other opinions on the album, i wanna listen to it first, then I’ll have a personal opinion…some people prompt to praise stuff just because it is Eminem…if an underground rapper did the same thing, they would not even bother to comment on it…so i am curious to listen to it…

  5. This should work for a few hours :
    Otherwise, forums like TRShady or Thisis50 must have new ones.
    My favorites are Beautiful, Deja Vu, Underground, Same Song & Dance, Stay Wide Awake, Bagpipes From Baghdad…
    As long as you don’t bump too much on the voice thing, i’m sure you’ll love it. Not better than TMMLP or TES but still a great level.
    Lyrics are insane. Slim Shady is back.
    BTW check this interview, it was in Germany on Thursday 7th May.
    Interview + Freestyle :
    We made you :

  6. Hallo Isabelle!
    Schön dir wieder mal zu schreiben 🙂
    Besonders zu einem so erfreulichen Anlass wie diesen … endlich nach Jahren hat Em doch noch was rausgebracht. Freu mich total und warte sehnlichst darauf, dass er die damals abgesagt Tour nachholt …
    Das Album ist meiner Meinung nach beim ersten mal reinhören etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig … wie du schon gesagt hast vor allem seine Stimme … so schrill und überhaupt nicht mehr männlich, tief, wütend … das ist das erste was mir aufgefallen ist.
    Seine Lyrics sind nach wie vor genial, darin besteht kein Zweifel. In meinen Augen hat er sich sogar noch weiterentwickelt. Seine Texte sind vielseitiger geworden .. aber wenn wundert es, nachdem er so viele neue Tiefschläge zu überwinden hatte und dadurch auch persönlich reifen musste.
    Zu der Textstelle
    “Kiss the naked manikin man again
    You can see him standin in my
    Front window
    If you look in”
    Meine Theorie dazu ist, dass der nackte, puppenartige Mann für den Tod steht, der ihm schon so nah war, dass er ihn geküsst/angehaucht hat … der Hauch des Todes … würde auch zu seinem Interview passen, wonach er angibt dass er fast draufgegangen wär wegen einer Überdosis Methaton. Außerdem hatte er sich auch mit Suizidgedanken zu kämpfen nach Proofs Tod – für ihn war das sicherlich ein harter Schicksalsschlag und noch dazu vorher das “Toy Soldiers” Video … da können schon Schuldgefühle hochkommen. Ich hoffe für ihn er kann es in seinen Lyrics und auch in der Behandlung, die er hatte gut verarbeiten … also soviel zu meinen Gedanken dazu …
    Ich freue mich schon auf deine nächsten Album-Reviews und erwarte sie gespannt 🙂
    Besonders “Stay wide awake” zählt zu meinen Favoriten – da ist seine Stimme auch nicht so fremdartig … aber wie gesagt, ich glaube dass je öfter man es hört, umso besser wird es …
    Liebe Grüße aus Österreich,

    1. Hallo Nathalie. ich kann nur mit dir darüber einstimmen:) Danke für deine Erklärung:)

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