When leaders like Nicolas Sarkozy start to single out young people from the ghetto and talk about cleaning out ghettos from its « villains » with a karcher, we might question what motivates them most: the will to solve existent problems or to get rid of people with different skin colors and origins.
When both teenagers Bouna Traore and Zyed Benna were « accidentally » electrocuted in Clichy Sous Bois, (obviously trying to escape from the cops), it lead to major riots as a huge form of protestation.
In 2005, France was burning. Many people saw the fire, complained about it, but didn’t really want to look at the cause: a government tries to single out the youths that come from the legal emigration.
Living in a French ghetto means facing racial discrimination in front of employment, for instance, no matter if you’re a graduate or not. Employers just don’t give a fuck. You don’t have the right color, then your CV’s destiny is to end up in the trash.
Living in a French ghetto means to be condemned to live with the lowest sources of income with nearly no escape from your situation.
Living in a French ghetto means to face insecurity and violence on a daily basis. Thanks God, you don’t get shot there as easily as in American ghettos.
However dramas happen. Nobody helps you to get a decent job when you live in the hood. You are « trashy » , so you are supposed to be condemned to live with minimal wages while fat mayors cumulate two or three wealthy jobs.
It looks like Mr Sarkozy created a monster with his demeaning words towards young people of foreign origins.
It looks like some 14-16 year old French white boys and girls spread his ideology, talking about « cleaning up France with Blacks and Arab folks ».
Those young people are not even ashamed to used racist terms to qualify people of different skin colors.
You young morons need to be reeducated if your parents and school don’t do it for you.
You need to learn about French history, and about what happened in the French colonies in particular.
Your ancestors invaded many of those countries you complain about. They used people as slaves in order to make their economy turn. So first, if France used to be prosperous in the past, you owe it to those « foreign » people you despise. Your ancestors mistreated, enslaved, raped those people physically and mentally! Even envisioned it THIS way? If not, then you definitely should, you pieces of scum!
Moreover, many of the people you despise are of French nationality, whether they are Blacks from overseas or kids from people who emigrated in France. Immigrants whose workforce the French government exploited with no remorse after luring them into the country you claim to be yours.
You all need to grow some brains and to revise your own history. Many people don’t have the same color as you, but they have nevertheless the same rights as you. They are French citizens as well as you.
And if you really wanna apply to your racist beliefs, don’t buy bananas, pinapples and any kind of exotic product from abroad. Don’t buy any foreign brand of any kind. Never travel abroad, because anywhere else in this world, you’ll be viewed as the FOREIGNERS.
Screw racism. Parents, take your responsibilities and teach your kids the right way. Don’t encourage discrimination of any kind.
Be what you wanna be, but don’t be one of those brainless racists!
Copyright © 2006 by Isabelle Esling
All Rights Reserved
7 thoughts on “Did the French government generate some racist and hateful people among the French youths?”
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I could NEVER be racist…EVER!!! I only teach my children to see people…not colors!!! I don’t care if your black, white, orange or purple…your a person.
All people are created EQUAL!!!
Sometimes, wouldnt life be a lot less painful if the whole world was coulourblind? Or if we were all the same colour, just green or something. Racism sucks
YES, I agree Jorja!!!
I’m french and I think you talk about something you don’t know,because the generation which is coming is more violent in our country,it begin with disrespecting parents and talking with no respect to older people, it’s not bound with racism but with the fact that some people living in what we call HLM (bulding with moderate rent) acts as thugs ,and the rest of french people think it’s a generality ,this is the explication about the riots.
Im Französisch-Unterricht haben wir ziemlich lange und ausführlich über die Aufstände in den sogenannten “Vororten” diskutiert. Ein Wahnsinn was dort abgegangen ist – die Zeitungen waren ja auch alle voll mit Fotos von Jugendlichen, die Autos abfackeln und alles übrige anzünden. Aber wenigstens ist somit die Welt etwas aufmerksamer auf das Problem geworden … leider sind in der Zwischenzeit die Berichte aber wieder abgeflaut. wirklich getan wurde ja nichts.
Was Sarkozy angeht – diesen Mann kann man nur als Idioten bezeichnen. Denkt er denn mit seinen Aussagen verbessert er die Situation? Mir fällt nur ein Politiker ein, der noch dümmer ist … aber der ist uns sowieso allen wohlbekannt ;o)
Ich finde es toll dass du über dieses Problem berichtet hast und auch die Hintergründe beleuchtet hast (über die Kolonien, usw.).
Das zeugt wahrlich von einer seriösen Schriftstellerin! Mein Respekt!
Viel glück in London!
Für dich, sowie auch für deine Familie!
Greeeeeeeeeeeetz, Nathalie 🙂
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